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Actor Musicianship BA (Hons)


This course offers distinctive and practical training for actors who have musical skills. Actor Musicianship is a conservatoire actor musicianship training for stage, television, radio and screen led by professional staff and established practitioners.

Alongside core training in movement, voice and approaches to text and character, you will learn to integrate and develop your musical skills in performance to create, lead and make music alongside your work as an actor. You will also develop your existing musical skills for use in a variety of performance contexts. Importantly, you will explore how these skills interconnect.

You will learn from exceptional visiting tutors, who in the past have included Max Reinhardt (World musicologist, BBC Radio 3 presenter), Adjoa Andoh (Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, His Dark Materials, Bridgerton), Dele Sosimi (Afrobeat specialist), and Abigail Pickard Price (Watermill Theatre). Throughout the course you will have multiple opportunities to perform. In your final year, you undertake full scale performances in our on-campus theatres, and you’ll also perform as part of our London Season. You’ll also take part in an industry showcase in a London theatre from where our students regularly sign with agents. Actor musicians are in high demand in the industry, and many of our students sign with agents.

Our graduates work internationally and in the UK, undertaking roles in renowned West End shows as well as at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre. Our graduates also work in television, film, radio, and young people’s theatre. Many of our graduates form their own theatre companies, touring globally.


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Rose Bruford College

Rose Bruford College

The Stage

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