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William Shakespeare's plays are central to the past, present and future of British theatre. Find news, reviews and analysis about Shakespeare here, including coverage of Royal Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare's Globe and other Shakespeare productions from across the UK.

“Stolid and largely thrill-free”

Macbeth review

Lyn Gardner

Eleanor Lloyd is right to link arts skills to our survival as a species

David Benedict

Misleading marketing must go now... and you can quote me on that

Editor's View

Are England's three flagship theatres all hitting their stride at the same time?

Is theatre funding too concentrated on London?

Is theatre funding too concentrated on London?

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The Stage talks in depth to movers and shakers from across the industry

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Robert Icke

Judy Craymer

Richard Twyman

Sean Foley

Liam Evans-Ford and Kate Wasserberg

Annie Baker

Emma Rice

Robert Icke

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Sutton Foster

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Robert Icke
“You have to earn an audience’s attention”

Robert Icke

Daniel Evans and Tamara Harvey
“Everything’s on the table”

Daniel Evans and Tamara Harvey

Sean Holmes
“We've a decimation of opportunity for new writing”

Sean Holmes

Erica Whyman
“The RSC has a right to be mischievous”

Erica Whyman

Holly Race Roughan
“Our Henry V is very dark”

Holly Race Roughan

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Robert Icke

Judy Craymer

Richard Twyman

Sean Foley

Liam Evans-Ford and Kate Wasserberg

Annie Baker

Emma Rice

Robert Icke

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Sutton Foster

Julian Bird


Interviews with established and emerging theatremakers working on stage and behind the scenes in UK theatre and beyond.
EM Williams

EM Williams

Emily Carding

Emily Carding

Charlotte Melén

Charlotte Melén

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